Advances in Mathematical Physics、Annals of the Association of American Geographers、Annals of Regional Science、Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy、Artificial Intelligence in Medicine、British Journal of Applied Science & Technology、Cartographica、Cartography and Geographic Information Science、Chinese Geographical Science、Cities、Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation、Complexity、Computers, Environment and Urban Systems、Current Urban Studies、Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems A、Earth Science Informatics、Empirical Economics、Energy for Sustainable Development、Environment and Planning A、Environment and Planning B、Environmental Engineering and Management Journal、Entropy、Fractals、Fresenius Environmental Bulletin、Geographical Analysis、Geoinformatics and Geostatistics: An overview、International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos、International Journal of Communication Systems、International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health、International Journal of Geographical Information Science、International Journal of Sustainable Transportation、International Statistical Review、Journal of Architecture and Urbanism、Journal of Ecology and the Natural Environment、Journal of Geochemical Exploration、Journal of Geographical Systems、Journal of Geography and Geology、Journal of Geography and Regional Planning、Journal of Mountain Science、Journal of Cleaner Production、Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation、Journal of the Royal Society Interface、Journal of Transport Geography、Journal of Urban Management、KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering、Landscape and Urban Planning、Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences、Palgrave Communications、Physica A、Physics Letters A、PLoS ONE、Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A、Professional Geographer、Scientific Reports、Scientific Research and Essays、Spatial Economic Analysis、SpringerPlus、The Social Science Journal、Transport Policy、Transportation Research Part D-Transport and Environment、Urban Geography、Urban Studies、URISA Journal、Water Research
国际课题Urban China Research Network Small Grant Program“Changes of Spatial Structure in Cities of China Under the Condition of Exo-Urbanization”(2003-2004)
Chen Yanguang. Equivalent relation between normalized spatial entropy and fractal dimension. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2020, 553: 124627 Chen Yanguang. Fractal texture and structure of central place systems. Fractals: Complex Geometry Patterns and Scaling in Nature and Society, 2020, 28(1): 2050008 Chen Yanguang. Modeling urban growth and form with spatial entropy. Complexity, 2020, Volume 2020, ID8812882 Chen Yanguang. Fractal modeling and fractal dimension description of urban morphology. Entropy, 2020, 22, 961 Chen Yanguang. Two sets of simple formulae to estimating fractal dimension of irregular boundaries. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2020, Article ID 7528703, 15 pages Chen Yanguang. New framework of Getis-Ord’s indexes associating spatial autocorrelation with interaction. PLoS ONE, 2020, 15(7): e0236765 Man Xiaoming, Chen Yanguang*. Fractal-based modeling and spatial analysis of urban form and growth: a case study of Shenzhen in China. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 2020, 9(11): 672 Chen Yanguang, Huang Linshan. Modeling growth curve of fractal dimension of urban form of Beijing. Physica A, 2019, 523: 1038-1056
Chen Yanguang, Wang Yihan, Li Xijing. Fractal dimensions derived from spatial allometric scaling of urban form. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2019,126: 122-134
Chen Yanguang. The solutions to uncertainty problem of urban fractal dimension calculation. Entropy, 2019, 21, 453
Chen Yanguang. Logistic models of fractal dimension growth of urban morphology. Fractals, 2018, 26 (3): 1850033
Huang Linshan, Chen Yanguang. A comparison between two OLS-based approaches to estimating urban multifractal parameters. Fractals, 2018, 26(1): 1850019
Chen Yanguang, Huang Linshan. A scaling approach to evaluating the distance exponent of urban gravity. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2018, 109: 303-313
Chen Yanguang, Jiang Bin. Hierarchical scaling in systems of natural cities. Entropy, 2018, 20, 432
Tong X, Wang T, Chen YG, Wang YT. Towards an inclusive circular economy: Quantifying the spatial flows of e-waste through the informal sector in China. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 2018, 135: 163-171
Chen Yanguang, Huang Linshan. Spatial measures of urban systems: from entropy to fractal dimension. Entropy, 2018, 20, 991
Chen Yanguang. Multi-scaling allometric analysis for urban and regional development. Physica A, 2017, 465: 673–689
Chen Yanguang, Feng Jian. A hierarchical allometric scaling analysis of Chinese cities: 1991-2014. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, Volume 2017, Article ID 5243287, 15 pages, 2017
Chen Yanguang, Wang Jiejing, Feng Jian. Understanding the fractal dimensions of urban forms through spatial entropy. Entropy, 2017, 19, 600
Chen Yanguang, Feng Jian. Spatial analysis of cities using Renyi entropy and fractal parameters. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2017, 105: 279–287
Chen Yanguang. The evolution of Zipf’s law indicative of city development. Physica A, 2016, 443: 555-567
Chen Yanguang. Spatial autocorrelation approaches to testing residuals from least squares regression. PLoS ONE, 2016, 11(1): e0146865
Chen Yanguang. Defining urban and rural regions by multifractal spectrums of urbanization. Fractals, 2016, 24(1): 1650004
Chen Yanguang, Wang Jiejing. Describing urban evolution with the fractal parameters based on area-perimeter allometry. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, Volume 2016, Article ID 4863907, 14 pages, 2016
Chen Yanguang. Fractals and fractal dimension of systems of blood vessels: An analogy between artery trees, river networks, and urban hierarchies. Fractal Geometry and Nonlinear Analysis in Medicine and Biology, 2015, 1(2):26-32
Chen Yanguang. Power-law distributions based on exponential distributions: Latent scaling, spurious Zipf’s law, and fractal rabbits. Fractals, 2015 , 23(2) : 1550009
Chen Yanguang. A new methodology of spatial cross-correlation analysis. PLoS ONE, 2015, 10(5): e0126158
Chen Yanguang. The distance-decay function of geographical gravity model: power law or exponential law? Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2015, 77: 174-189
Luo Hongyu, Chen Yanguang. An allometric algorithm for fractal-based Cobb-Douglas function of geographical systems. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, Volume 2014, Article ID 910457, 10 pages
Chen Yanguang. Urban chaos and replacement dynamics in nature and society. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2014, 413: 373-384
Chen Yanguang. An allometric scaling relation based on logistic growth of cities. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2014, 65: 65-77
Chen Yanguang, Wang Jiejing. Recursive subdivision of urban space and Zipf`s law. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2014, 395: 392-404
Chen Yanguang. Multifractals of central place systems: models, dimension spectrums, and empirical analysis. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2014, 402: 266-282
Chen Yanguang. The spatial meaning of Pareto’s scaling exponent of city-size distributions. Fractals, 2014, 22(1-2):1450001
Chen Yanguang. New approaches for calculating Moran’s index of spatial autocorrelation. PLoS ONE, 2013, 8(7): e68336
Chen Yanguang, Wang Jiejing. Multifractal characterization of urban form and growth: the case of Beijing. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 2013, 40(5):884-904
Chen Yanguang. Fractal analytical approach of urban form based on spatial correlation function. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2013, 49(1): 47-60
Chen Yanguang. A set of formulae on fractal dimension relations and its application to urban form. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2013, 54(1): 150-158
Chen Yanguang. The rank-size scaling law and entropy-maximizing principle. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2012, 391(3): 767-778
Chen Yanguang. Fractal dimension evolution and spatial replacement dynamics of urban growth. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2012, 45 (2): 115–124
Chen Yanguang. The mathematical relationship between Zipf`s law and the hierarchical scaling law. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2012, 391(11): 3285-3299
Chen Yanguang. On the spaces and dimensions of geographical systems. Journal of Geography and Geology, 2012, 4(1): 118-135
Chen Yanguang. Zipf`s law, hierarchical structure, and cards-shuffling model for urban development. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, Volume 2012, Article ID 480196, 21 pages
Chen Yanguang. On the four types of weight functions for spatial contiguity matrix. Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences, 2012, 5(2): 65-72
Chen Yanguang, Feng Jian. Fractal-based exponential distribution of urban density and self-affine fractal forms of cities. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2012, 45(11): 1404-1416
Chen Yanguang. Fractal systems of central places based on intermittency of space-filling. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2011, 44(8): 619-632
Chen Yanguang. Modeling fractal structure of city-size distributions using correlation functions. PLoS ONE, 2011, 6(9):e24791
Chen Yanguang. Derivation of the functional relations between fractal dimension and shape indices of urban form. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 2011, 35(6): 442–451
Chen Yanguang. Characterizing growth and form of fractal cities with allometric scaling exponents. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, Volume 2010, Article ID 194715, 22 pages
Chen Yanguang. Exploring the fractal parameters of urban growth and form with wave-spectrum analysis. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, Volume 2010, Article ID 974917, 20 pages
Feng Jian, Chen Yanguang. Spatiotemporal evolution of urban form and land use structure in Hangzhou, China: evidence from fractals. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 2010, 37(5): 838-856
Chen Yanguang, Xu Feng. Modeling complex spatial dynamics of two-population interaction in urbanization process. Journal of Geography and Geology, 2010, 2(1): 1-17
Chen Yanguang, Jiang Shiguo. Modeling fractal structure of systems of cities using spatial correlation function. International Journal of Artificial Life Research, 2010, 1(1): 12-34
Chen Yanguang. A new model of urban population density indicating latent fractal structure. International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development, 2010, 1(1-2): 89-110
Chen Yanguang. Urban chaos and perplexing dynamics of urbanization. Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences, 2009, 2(2): 85-95
Chen Yanguang. Spatial interaction creates period-doubling bifurcation and chaos of urbanization. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2009, 42(3): 1316-1325
Chen Yanguang, Lin Jingyi. Modeling the self-affine structure and optimization conditions of city systems using the idea from fractals. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2009, 41(2): 615-629
Chen Yanguang. Urban gravity model based on cross-correlation function and Fourier analyses of spatio-temporal process. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2009, 41(2): 603-614
Chen Yanguang. Analogies between urban hierarchies and river networks: Fractals, symmetry, and self-organized criticality. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2009, 40(4): 1766-1778
Chen Yanguang, Jiang Shiguo. An analytical process of the spatio-temporal evolution of urban systems based on allometric and fractal ideas. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2009, 39(1): 49-64
Chen Yanguang, Xu Feng. Redefining the attraction measure, scaling exponent and impedance function of the gravity model. Far East Journal of Dynamical Systems, 2009, 11(3): 251-276
Chen Yanguang, Zhou Yixing. Scaling laws and indications of self-organized criticality in urban systems. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2008, 35(1): 85-98
Chen Yanguang. A wave-spectrum analysis of urban population density: entropy, fractal, and spatial localization. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, vol. 2008, Article ID 728420, 22 pages, 2008
Chen Yanguang, Wang Fahui. Fourier analysis of an expanded gravity model for spatio-temporal interactions. Far East Journal of Dynamical Systems, 2008, 10(3): 325-347
Liu Jisheng, Chen Yanguang. Nonlinear spatial autocorrelation and localization of urban development. Chinese Geographical Science, 2007, 17(1): 34-39
Chen Yanguang, Zhou Yixing. Reinterpreting central place networks using ideas from fractals and self-organized criticality. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 2006, 33(3): 345-364
Chen Yanguang, Zhou Yixing. Multi-fractal measures of city-size distributions based on the three-parameter Zipf model. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2004, 22(4): 793-805
Chen Yanguang, Zhou Yixing. The rank-size rule and fractal hierarchies of cities: mathematical models and empirical analyses. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 2003, 30(6): 799–818
Chen Yanguang, Liu Jisheng. Derivations of fractal models of city hierarchies using entropy-maximization principle. Progress in Natural Science, 2002, 12(3): 208-211
Chen Yanguang. Scaling, fractals, and spatial complexity of cities. In: Portugali J (ed). Handbook on Cities and Complexity. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2021, pp 176-194
Chen Yanguang. Fractal dimension analysis of urban morphology based on spatial correlation functions. In: D'Acci L(ed.). Mathematics of Urban Morphology. Birkhäuser: Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2019, pp21-53
Chen Yanguang. Reinterpreting the origin of bifurcation and chaos by urbanization dynamics. In: Kais A.M. Al Naimee (ed). Chaos Theory. Rijeka: InTech, 2018, pp1-25
Chen Yanguang. Fractal analysis based on hierarchical scaling in complex systems. In: Fernando Brambila (ed). Fractal Analysis- Applications in Health Sciences and Social Sciences. Rijeka: InTech, 2017, pp141-164
Chen YG. Scaling analysis of the cascade structure of the hierarchy of cities. In: B. Jiang and X. Yao (Eds.). Geospatial Analysis and Modeling of Urban Structure and Dynamics. New York: Springer-Verlag, 2010, pp91 – 117